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The Security Experts You Can Count On

When you need extra safeguards in place without the need for around-the-clock security and surveillance, put our trained professionals to work for you. VP Security Services, Inc. is the Bay Area’s trusted private security company offering temporary security services to clients in San Jose, CA, and beyond. Our team of seasoned experts is highly regarded in the security industry, bringing decades of combined skills and experience to assist you in the short term when you need it most. We are prepared and uniquely positioned to prioritize the safety and protection of our clients, no matter the scope or complexity of the job. Learn more about how our temporary security services can help and get in touch with us today.

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A Security Guard from VP Security Services Inc Wearing a Green Jacket.

Gain the Advantages With Our Temporary Security Solutions

As an industry leader, VP Security Services, Inc. makes it easier and more affordable than ever to gain all the benefits that entail our temporary security guard services, ensuring the complete safety you need at a moment’s notice. With our specialized training, advanced abilities, and commitment to excellence, you’ll have the utmost confidence in knowing your people and property are in the best hands.

  • Convenience – We aim to make the process of arranging your security detail as simple as possible.
  • Reliability – You can be assured you’ll receive the prompt, tactical response you need when you need it most.
  • Affordability – We offer all of our services, including temporary security solutions, at a price that suits any budget.
  • Customization – There is no one-size-fits-all approach to security. We individualize every service to suit your specific circumstances.
  • Professionalism – With decades of combined experience and extensive training, you can be sure you’ll receive the most effective security detail there is to offer.

When to Hire Our Temporary Security Personnel

You may be unsure whether you need security detail permanently or just in the short term. When you partner with VP Security Services, Inc., we’ll be able to accurately assess the extent of security required to suit your needs and recommend the best solution for your specific situation. In order to narrow down the most ideal security service, we will help you consider many factors to help with your decision.

If you’ve been faced with an unexpected threat or emergency such as theft, vandalism, intrusion, violence, or other sudden disturbances, increasing the amount of security on site is an excellent strategy for mitigating risks and heightening the level of safety. Employing our security personnel when hosting a major event involving many attendees, expensive merchandise, and other valuable assets will ensure the occasion’s success. If you’ve felt unsafe or need personal security on short notice, we’re here to help.

From construction sites, commercial security services, and special events to security detail for VIPs, short-term personal protection, and additional security to supplement your existing personnel, our professionals have the extensive training and expertise to help you manage the environment. Contact us today to see if temporary security is right for you.

  • VIP – We can provide close protection to ensure your safety while on-site and during travel. Personal security is one of our specialized services we offer for individuals exposed to an elevated personal risk.
  • Events – We are experienced in providing security detail and crowd management for public gatherings, private events, corporate affairs, and many other types of events to keep every attendee safe and secure.
  • Schools – Our presence at educational facilities includes monitoring for suspicious and illegal activity, diverting dangerous situations, and many more tactics that help maintain everyone’s safety while on campus.
  • Construction Sites – It’s not uncommon for construction projects to become targets for criminal activity such as theft of tools, supplies, and other valuable pieces of property. Our security personnel is available to help avert illegal activity during and after business hours.
  • Commercial Properties – Whether your commercial property has experienced an increase in criminal activity or you’d just like preventive measures in place, we are highly trained to patrol, monitor, and deter any wrongdoing.
  • Crisis Management – In the event of unexpected threatening conditions, we can dispatch our security professionals to de-escalate disorderly environments and prevent further disruption without incident.

Short-Term Security is One of Our Many Specialties

For the past 30 years, we have built a distinguished reputation for providing the highest degree of safety and security, and our clients can depend on our experience to keep them out of harm’s way. When you make arrangements to hire our security experts, you’ll have highly skilled pros equipped with the tools and tactics to remain prepared for the unforeseen. With our security measures in place, you will be able to focus on your tasks at hand. Whether your circumstances demand armed or unarmed patrol, permanent or temporary, you can entrust VP Security Services, Inc. to provide the most effective and affordable security solution to accommodate your needs. Get in touch with us today.

Contact Us to Schedule Customized Security Solutions