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Professional Security Services

in San Jose, CA

Dependable Safety & Protection for Bay Area Clients

At VP Security Services, Inc, our mission is to make your establishment as secure as you desire with our exceptional training and skills. We have spent the past 30 years achieving that goal in the management industry, and we believe we are second to none in our work. Many clients in the Bay Area, including San Jose, CA, seek our professional security services for many reasons, including our customer service, access control, tenant services, and emergency response and planning. We make our clients’ safety and security a priority with vital components like system integration, customer relations, and law enforcement communications. Every client gets customized security because we know each neighborhood and building is different, and you might need certain services more than others. We also provide free risk assessments in addition to our security services.

Trust Our Professional Security Experts

  • Customized Security Solutions
  • Licensed & Insured
  • 24/7 Customer Dispatch Available
  • Strong Client Relationships
  • Advanced Technology
  • BSIS Trained Officers
  • Highly Trained & Experienced Security Professionals
  • Comprehensive Security Services Tailored To Diverse Sectors
Security Professionals on Crime Scene in San Jose, CA

Our Security Specialties

We have served clients of all types with various security needs, from high-powered executives who need a personal security detail to special events with countless attendants to watch and protect. Every client is different, and our priority is ensuring their unique situations get the professional attention they deserve. You can reach out to us to handle a wide array of projects, such as construction, commercial, school, and apartment HOA security. We specialize in single-person protection like executive protection, and our team can carry out event security. Another service we offer to keep clients safe is fire watch security, protecting homeowners and business owners from fire’s destructive nature.

VP Security Services, Inc Serves San Jose, CA & Beyond

VP Security Services, Inc has your security needs covered with our professional team of highly trained experts. We offer protection wherever you need it, and we tailor our security solutions to your unique situation.

VP Security Services, Inc

888 N 1st St Suite #222, San Jose, CA 95112


24/7 Security Guard & Patrol Service

Office Hours
Monday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Tuesday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Wednesday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Thursday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM
Friday: 7:30 AM – 5:00 PM

888 N 1st St, San Jose, CA 95112, USA